The spacious apartment is located in the city center of Copenhagen and has great views to the adjacent museum park Østre Anlæg. The building itself dates back to the end of 19th century when the area was developed, and many of the beautiful original details from that time are still preserved.
The design strategy was to enhance the original details and add a timeless modern layer to create symbiosis between the old and the new.
One of the most beautiful features of the apartment is the over three meter heigh ceilings, which are decorated with ornamental original stucco. Due to the poor general condition of the stucco a plasterer was involved in the project - while some parts could be mended on the spot, others needed to be remolded and repaired in the workshop.
The floors were changed as they were degenerated and consisted of various floor types throughout the apartment. The new solid floors of 15-meter long Dinesen Douglas planks stretch through one end of the apartment to the other, creating a calm and harmonized space.
The apartment has great natural light, which is supported by the bespoke lighting plan and calm light color scheme.
Photographer: Radoslaw Nicgorski